Personalize Me Extra

Meet Zane, that suave looking guy over there. Zane absolutely loves this strategy and is excited to watch it work. Zane thinks he is good with math and finances, but nobody believes him. He certainly makes it no secret that he hates budgeting his money. He would love to find someone to put this together for him and just manage it for him. He wants his money to be fun. Zane told all of us, "All I want to know is, do I have money in the account to do what I need to do. If so, great. Let's do this."? That is what he told us the other morning.

Zane screached and squealed, with excitement, when he found WrightBooks. We were able to help him get all his accounts set 

up for him, and then some. He took advantage of our one on one coaching, and everything began moving smoothly. Zane knew we were never far away. This made Oliver feel all warm and tingly inside. He definitely slept better.

Zane felt content, at ease, blissful even. He continues his monthly subscription with us today. Last he told us was, "I absolutely love looking at my money now. It seems that there's always more there than there ever was before. But how is that even possible? I'm less stressed. I don't ever want anyone else to budgetkeep for me ever again! All I have to do is follow the personalized plan, Thank you so much!" We are blessed to have helped spread this joy to Zane. 

Here is what Zane received:

  1. Be Your Own Bank, Goal Setting, and Loan Amortization Calculators   $58 Value

  2. Zane forgot about his free 30 minute video consultation. But, no worries, Zane didn't squeak too much because we told him h'ed still get that for free. The most necessary information that he needed to discuss, in order to personalize his budget, was communicated during this consultation.   $30 Value

  3. Thorough budget analysis, to include charting his accounts, into categories, in an easy to view report. Detailed review of these reports and using them as a tool in creating the funnest personal budget Zane ever used.

  4. A personalized portfolio, presented and organized in a way that Zane could understand. Zane had some questions about the implementation instructions that were included. But the included coaching helped him get right through that, and left Zane feeling optimistic and excited.

  5. Personal Assistance in setting his first 2 primary goals. Zane has always dreamed of going to the Market, but only high end pigs from the local herd were allowed in. So his first goal was to save up for that herd membership. He then decided that his 2nd goal was to pay off the debt he incurred from a home repair loan he suffered after that damn wolf, and Peter, came and blew the whole thing down. He received a budget incorporating these important and very personal goals, and he was amazed that he still had money left to spend and to pay his bills. He really could just enjoy himself and know this was all under control. Laying it out in the formatted reports, the way we did, let Zane know where he was, where he was headed, and how long it would take to get there. Just like Oliver, this really helped him learn to love taking care of his money. 

  6. 4 hours of live one-on-one coaching sessions. Zane was free to choose when he wanted to use them and booked these live video sessions right through our website. These sessions were to help Oliver with all his questions, issues, or even just consulting and advice, for his budget plan. He didn't even use them all within his first month and it didn't matter. Those coaching credits never expire.  Value of 200

  7. Zane chose not to stop there. He opted for monthly subscription services to help keep him on track. The subscription services, that Zane is currently receiving, include 2 hours coaching, each month (non-accumulative), monthly review of his personalized budget, spending, goals and milestone reviews, analysis, advice, budget revisions, and corresponding visual reports.

  8. No access to Zane's bank accounts was ever necessary.

Zane Received the same welcome packet and information that Oliver and Harold received, only he will receive this monthly upon personal review.

Download the welcome packet to see what Zane received.

Harolds Welcome Packet
PDF – 9.7 MB 68 downloads


*optional subscription + $97 mo / $970 yr